a life makeover blog

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

LB Characters: Ugly Betty

Betty Suarez: (to herself) You are an attractive, intelligent, confident businesswoman!

Ugly Betty is ending its four season run on ABC next week (Wednesday, April 14, 2010). Betty is a one of my favorite fictional late bloomers.

I’m sad to see the show end. I feel like Betty and I have grown up together. I was a new mom going back to work just after the show premiered. I was broke, carrying 40lbs of extra baby weight from being a new mom, and had a wardrobe that didn't stand up to the smart clothes worn by my ad agency colleagues. My regular clothes were too small and my fat clothes were too big. I was a mess. I was Ugly Betty.

Although Betty was accomplished academically, she needed help with her appearance and needed to learn a few things about how the real world works. Her career began with a questionable start. She was hired because the company president did not consider her attractive enough to tempt his son, an infamous womanizer and her would-be boss. The show hilariously spoofed the fun and the ridiculousness of the Vogue-inspired world that Betty has to endure (a place where co-workers shun you for daring to eat a bagel. It has carbs!). She's the David in a Goliath world, the underdog surrounded by the big (tall and skinny) dogs, the nerd standing up to the bully.

Given that she works at a fashion magazine, you would expect her to pick up some tips. And finally, after four years of endless wardrobe ridicule, Betty has finally shown good styling taste. One big deal for any UB fan is seeing the braces finally coming off! those blue braces off!


 It's been a treat to see how Betty has transformed while still being "Betty”. It’s important to note that her transformation has not been all about the visual. The show has embraced the moral that inner-beauty is more important than our outward shell. The outward is a means to an end but not the end-all. What is inside a person: kindness, intelligence, loyalty, etc., should be valued even more. You can be surrounded by people who make more money, wear pricier clothes, and who have a lot more “stuff” than you but still know that you are just as rich because of your character.

But feel free to put on some lip gloss while you are keeping your integrity.

In line with that theme, Betty Suarez grew up, learned from her mistakes and accepted herself, and then attacked the outside. To use a well-worn, though not any less appropriate metaphor, – she has broken from her cocoon in all her butterfly-winged glory.


My hopes for the finale: I'm all for Team Detty (Team Baniel?) to be together for the finale. It was nice to see Daniel finally realize he has feelings for Betty. (And I'm hoping for a Willie and Connor reunion. Those two are so hot (and sweet) together.)

Also, special mention and thanks to America Ferrera for her fantastic work as Betty. I began watching the show because I have been a fan since her debut in Real Women Have Curves. I can’t imagine anyone else playing this role. She handled every embarrassing situation and heartfelt scene with grace. It was nice seeing some variety in the characters on my TV screen. Well-played, America.

photo source: abc.com

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